Yes, And... book


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6 x 9"
274 pages
Digital offset printing

Price includes free shipping within continental U.S. (for overseas shipping arrangements, please contact me before purchasing).

Discounted pre-release sale is over. Books are now produced as one-offs, to order. Please allow 4–5 weeks for production and delivery.


Livre de Urban Improvisation

Being a record of the various movements of, artwork created for, and inspirations behind, the Ouvroir de Urban Improvisation (it’s a bike ride), incorporating further reflections thereupon.

Includes all flyers, route maps, ride reports, and photographs from #1–50 of the weekly exploratory bike ride, as well as a selection of inspiration/source imagery and a "confession" detailing some of the thoughts that went into and came out of it. The late nights, the broken French, the oblique literary references, the holes in fences. Yes, all the layered, dense, confounding, circuitous images and text, reflecting the complexity and contradictions of the city itself.

For more information about the ride, and a free PDF download of this book, visit